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The Merlin Collection


Available for a limited time is the complete Merlin Trilogy.



Syllabus of Magic - Merlin's Quest

Return to Magic

The Magic of Now

Connversations with Merlin story book


All for the special price of £30.00!

Each album would normally be £11.00 each and the Connversations with Merlin story book is £7.00 so an overall saving of £10.00.


Syllabus of Magic - Merlin's Quest (1997)

The album represented a mystical journey back to the times of legend when Merlin’s magic affected the lives and visions of a hopeful nation emerging upon a changing world.

The album also features djembe drumming (kabudu style) by Torr McFarlane, giving the album a haunting moodiness and old world charm.

This is a 2 CD deluxe presentation with CD 1 being the full album and CD 2 the full Story written and narrated by Chris Porter.

I wrote a new underscore as a soundscape to enhance the story and give a more mystical feel.

This 1000 only limited edition deluxe set comes in a book format where you can also read the story yourself or just sit back and relax with the CD's.


The cover artwork for this album is called 'Transformation' by
Patrick Gamble

Also included and exclusive to the Deluxe Set is a beautiful 'Unicorn' art card by Patrick Gamble.


Return to Magic (2017)

20 years after Syllabus of Magic I wanted to return to the land of magic and myth to find out what life's journey so far had given. Return to Magic is more uplifting and full of various grooves and dramatic themes taking the listener on a new journey into the world of understanding and potential. The message from the music and words are to remember to always enjoy the moment that is now.

This is a 2 CD release with the first CD being music with narration bridging the gaps between the tracks and the second CD is the full story written and fully narrated by Chris Porter.

Return to the World of myth and inspiration...Return to Magic.


Glastonbury Tor painting by Laura Cooper

Merlin image "Transformation" by Patrick Gamble


The Magic of Now (2023)

"The Magic of Now" is the third part in the Conversations with Merlin trilogy.

Chris Porter has written the third installment of the conversations with the legendary mythical wizard.

The music is my musicial interpretation of the story, inspired by Chris's words.

The third and final part of the Merlin Trilogy is gentle, uplifting, dramatic, peaceful and inspirational. 

A moment to reflect, a moment to journey into the realms of mystery with uplifting messages of purpose and positivity.

The Magic of Now comes as a 2CD set, with the music on CD1 and the complete story narrated by both Chris Porter and myself on CD2 with additional music I recorded as an underscore.


Also with the first 50 copies is a CD sized book of the complete The Magic of Now story written and signed by Chris Porter.


The artwork brings back the wonderful art of both Laura Cooper, with her magical "Woodland Whisper" painting, and Patrick Gamble's painting "Transformation" which has been the main character image for the whole of the Merlin Trilogy. 

Laura Cooper -

Patrick Gamble -


Converstaions with Merlin (2023)

The music of the Merlin Trilogy all started with words and the stories by Chris Porter.

Now all available to read in a beautiful book containing all three of the Merlin stories which inspired the music for 'Syllabus of Magic - Merlin's Quest' (1997) 'Return to Magic' (2017) and 'The Magic of Now' (2023), the Merlin Trilogy.

Signed by the author Chris Porter.


Cover artwork "Transformation" by Patrick Gamble


The Merlin Collection

  • This collection contains the following:

    1. Syllabus of Magic - Merlin's Quest deluxe 2CD set

    2. Return to Magic - Story Book and 2CD set

    3. The Magic of Now - Story Book and 2CD set

    4. Converstaions with Merlin book signed by author Chris Porter


    Available for a limited time

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